
TYPO3 HowTo: Using a custom rte_ckeditor configuration in DCE

Sometimes you want to create a textarea in Dynamic Content Elements (DCE), but for this specific element you don't want the client/editor to use the full range of options the Rich-Text Editor (RTE) has to offer. For this scenario I've written this guide to help you create a custom, cleaner experience in just a few simple steps. 

I recently found myself with the scenario where I needed a custom RTE interface, but stripped down and focussed on creating tables for product information. I decided I wanted to create a custom textarea for this usage only, because I only really needed a few editing options. If you are looking for an easy way to create a custom configuration for your rte_editor, and use this in DCE, continue reading!

Erik de Kuijper
WCG GmbH & Co.KG

For this tutorial I assume you are working with rte_ckeditor. At the time of writing I used TYPO3 8, and should work for upcoming versions as well.

This is what we need to do:

  • Add a new RTE Preset
  • Create a custom YAML configuration
  • Use the preset in DCE

Let's get to it!

Add a new RTE Preset

If you don't have one already, create a new AdditionalConfiguration.php file in your typo3conf folder. In this file we're going to add a new configuration preset. Feel free to change the preset name and path to whatever suits your need.

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['RTE']['Presets']['customEditor'] = 'fileadmin/rte/customEditor.yaml';

ProTip: Just repeat this line if you want to add multiple configurations.

Create a custom YAML configuration

In the location you decided on in the snippet above, create the customEditor.yaml file. I suggest you start with a base template. Luckily the ckeditor comes with a few templates to start from. You can find these in the following location:


Here are a few base templates we can copy to our file. Default, Full, or Minimal.yaml. I went with minimal, and added a few buttons based on the Full template.

# Load default processing options
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Processing.yaml" }
    - { resource: "EXT:rte_ckeditor/Configuration/RTE/Editor/Base.yaml" }
# Minimal configuration for the editor
      - { name: basicstyles, groups: [ basicstyles] }
      - { name: clipboard, groups: [clipboard, undo] }
      - { name: insert }
      - { name: document,  groups: [ mode, document, doctools ] }
      - Anchor
      - Superscript
      - Subscript
      - Underline
      - Strike
      - SpecialChar
      - HorizontalRule
      - Image

This configuration adds the Table, and Source Code button to the minimal layout.

Use the preset in DCE

Now in your DCE module, add a normal RTE Textarea. And simply use your newly created preset in the configuration.


Here's one last tip, if you didn't know this already. Remember the base templates provided by rte_ckeditor? You can use these base templates in DCE right now, by simply changing your richtextConfiguration to Default, Full, or Minimal.

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